Lymphatic Drainage Massage

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One of the more interesting massage systems that has been developed over the past century is the lymphatic drainage massage. Unlike most massages which are designed to work on muscle tissue, this massage targets the lymph nodes and attempts to stimulate more drainage as a result.

The lymphatic drainage massage was first developed by Drs. Emil Vodder along with Estrid Vodder in the 1930s as a way to combat disorders of the immune system and treat chronic sinusitis. By 1936, the Vodders had introduced this massage technique in Paris, France. However, it was not until after World War II that the technique spread around the world.

The massage itself uses specific technique of linear stimulation along the path of the lymphatic system and towards the lymph nodes which is designed to produce specific results.

How It Works

The massage works by targeting natural drainage areas in the lymphatic system, which is designed to carry waste products away from the tissues themselves and back towards the heart. For the drainage to work property, the smooth muscle cells that make up the walls of the lymphatic system must contract properly.

The massage stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscle tissues and when combined with movement of the skeletal muscles, it promotes faster drainage. There are certain benefits that a person will experience when subject to a lymphatic drainage massage.


There are notable benefits for those who use this type of massage, particularly if you suffer from a specific health issue or are recovering from a traumatic event.

Immune System: The lymphatic system is tied to the immune system, so the better it works, the faster your immune system will respond to illness and infection. In addition, the massage will also reduce inflammation from diseases such as arthritis.

Healing: For those who have experienced surgery and are currently recovering, lymphatic drainage massage can help reduce scarring at the incision sites. In addition, the massage may also reduce the swelling associated with recovery along with detoxifying the body. However, the massage should not be performed until at least six weeks or cleared by a doctor.

In addition, this massage technique will also promote relaxation thanks to reducing the levels of pain in the body. Also, stress can be reduced as well thanks to the techniques used in this form of massage. For many, it provides a strong sense of well-being combined with improved energy which leads to greater relaxation.

Best Candidates for Lymphatic Drainage Massage

While everyone benefits from this form of massage, those who are most likely to enjoy the results include the following;

  • Recovering from Surgery
  • Suffering from Pain caused by Inflammation
  • New Mothers

If you are having issues with inflammation and the pain it causes, such as arthritis, you may want to experience lymphatic drainage massage. It is safe, effective, and regular sessions will help bolster your immune system. Plus, the massage can be for everyone who wants to feel rejuvenated combined with a stronger sense of wellbeing.