What To Expect In A Vinyasa Yoga Class

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What To Expect In A Vinyasa Yoga Class

February 3, 2017

Vinyasa Yoga is one of the most beneficial yoga techniques. It is a little more popular than all other yoga techniques because of its benefits. If entails several sequences and postures, some of which have been outlined below.

Surya Namaskara

This technique is among what to expect in a Vinyasa Yoga class. It aligns the body movement with the sequence of breath and it also improves general circulation. It can be used at the beginning of a yoga practice to initiate concentration and it can also be applied at the middle to reset the mind if it loses concentration.

 For those that have lost a lot of energy or those that are experiencing different levels of stress and shortened breath, this technique will be useful for them. It involves inhaling and exhaling. It should be done as many times as stipulated by the yoga teacher but it should be done at least 5 times.


Standing balance

This practice should be done in between standing sequences or immediately after warming the body for proper opening of the outer and inner hips. It focuses on a one-leg balance. It is also used for a preparation for entering into either Svarga Dvijasana or Baddha Parsvakonasana

You start with Samastitihi. Inhale deeply and then exhale while clutching your left foot or left big toe. Inhale deeply again and exhale. Inhale for the third time and raise both arms and exhale. Inhale and exhale two more times. You can now repeat the whole practice for the right foot and the other side of the body.


Half Mandala Surrender

This practice is meant for the preparation for deep meditation and final relaxation. It opens the hip as deeply as possible with several long but slow breaths and appropriate poses.

You enter this sequence from Lunge. It starts with your exhalation. Then inhale deeply. This has a way of lengthening the spine. Exhale again and put one leg right behind the other. Inhale and exhale deeply for three more times. Inhale for the fourth time with your side bent over one leg.

Inhale and exhale two more times and bend the other sider over another leg while inhaling and exhaling the second time. Inhale and exhale again while you bring the back leg forward.

Inhale and exhale two more times but when you are inhaling the third time, you release your arms. Now, you can exhale, inhale and exhale again. You can now end the sequence by stepping forward to Uttanasana.

These are just few of the sequences, Vinyasa yoga has several other sequences like the standing vinyasa flow, open-your-hip flow, seated floor-based flow, hands-free flow and several other poses. In fact any pose can be converted to a vinyasa flow if well combined with appropriate breathing sequence.


Some of the benefits of vinyasa yoga are cardiovascular conditioning, increased energy level, cure and reduction of headaches and prevention of both anxiety and stress.