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February 11, 2016

As we experience all the events pleasing or unpleasing to us in a “Now” and present moment, our body and emotions process them in “Now” time frame. Our brain constantly archives these events for future recalls, and as a result we re-experience joy or suffering from these events. However, our brain does not recognize time once this information has been recorded.

What does this mean as far as its impact to our physical health? This means that a war veteran 10 years later may have an exact flash back of a war tragedy, by simply hearing the sound of a fire cracker nearby. His brain will process the same exact emotions that he had experienced 10 years ago in a “Now” time frame and his body will respond the same even though there is no danger now and that event was in the past. His body and his cells will go into a “defense” mode that is the direct opposite of a “construct” mode, which a healthy body requires.

Our cells can only do one thing at a time; either “defend” or “construct”. When they are defending they have no capabilities to build and reconstruct which is mandatory for longevity and joyful healthy living.

Dr. Hamer, pioneer of “The German New Medicine (GNM)” developed cancer within a short period after the tragic death of his son.  This led to more discoveries for some of his research leading to the fact that all diseases have emotional roots based on the part of the brain that they had originated from and the part of our organ that energetically and physically is controlling and connected to that part of the brain as it has developed from conception to now.

This showed that once there is a registration of an emotional attack, the organ controlled by that emotion will go to a “stress” mode.  Our brain will hold that respective organ in imprisonment, locked in fear mode until that emotion is released allowing it to return to its default mode of construction and development. Louis Hayes and many other authors have developed specific charts relating our emotions to the physical organs and the associated related body parts and their connections.

Forgiveness is the key that will open the door for the imprisoned organs and releases the body from this undesirable stress, allowing it to regain its joyful, peaceful healthy universal default. Once you “forgive”,  the mind body link is broken and the event that has held you emotionally and physically hostage is set free, and it will no longer have power over you as all its fear related issues  disappear.  Forgiveness empowers you to recognize your true essence and understand that you are Love, and no shape of fear can change that.

Knowledge brings awareness, awareness presents choices that may not have been apparent before. At this moment and with this knowledge, what will you choose? If you have any emotions other than “Joy and Peace” regarding any of your past experiences; then the following Forgiveness Meditation may assist you in your journey to find the happier you.


Forgiveness Meditation

  • Lay down or sit comfortably with your back straight and supported
  • Focus on your breathing and let go of all other thoughts as you slowly breathe in and out
  • When ready, slowly breathe in and out for 1 count
  • Then, breathe in and out for 3 counts and hold an image of a person (living or passed) whom you believe truly loves you and you love him/her. (This can also be an image of a spiritual being that you can identify by bringing up their image)
  • Next, breathe in and out for 1 count and bring up the person or situation that you need to “forgive” but superimpose the image of the loved one on top of it for this 1 count
  • Then go back to breathing normally for 1 count and relax
  • Repeat as needed and develop your personal experience from this helpful mediation
  • You will notice that your views of this person or situation starts changing and eventually you will no longer be tormented by its connection that has not been pleasing to you


One final thought

Maybe it is time to turn back the clock and thank all those whom advocated “forgiveness” through out history, and due to our lack of understanding we misunderstood their intentions for having motives other than guiding us to recognize our true essence of infinite capabilities.