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yochiBusiness professionals and those seeking to grow past stuck thought patterns experience Yo-Qi-InnerFit as a class to evolve to a life of peace and joy. While most people sit behind a desk for hours each day, finding the energy to experience this class will release and defragment every stress of the week. The slow movements of Yo-Qi-InnerFit are designed to learn how to breathe, leading to perfect health. Combining the best aspects of yoga and Qigong, a Yo-Qi-InnerFit class consists of continuous, slow standing and floor movements followed by purposeful meditation and focused mind training. This fluid moving meditation also enlists a unique system of chakra work that clears mental states and builds Qi – the life force energy weaving through all living things in the universe.

Traditional Yoga and qigong classes may leave one feeling balanced and flexible. But Yo-Qi-InnerFit is the Master Alex’s unique system of focused visual mind training exercises. Our 70 minutes of breathing movements are followed by 20 minutes of specific energy meditation techniques which focus and enhance our thoughts. Through these deep, slow class, the body’s 30-70 trillion cells are oxygenated, building immunity and decreasing stress cortisol levels. The student leaves the class feeling emotionally revived and well.

Yo-Qi-InnerFit & Meditation Benefits

The benefits of Yo-Qi-InnerFit & Meditation start with powerful shifts in awareness. Any resistance to create a new dynamic in life, whatever that may be, is acknowledged and released. So this class draws on both releasing and building chi for ultimate health. Here are more benefits one may experience in a Yo-Qi-InnerFit class:

  • Enhances breathing
  • Removes Chi blockages
  • Increased flexibility
  • Mental focus and clarity
  • Clears negative or unhealed thoughts and emotions in the mind
  • Creates oxygenated cells through correct breathing techniques
  • With time, Yo-Qi-InnerFit enhances the anti-aging process by diminishing resistance and building positive belief systems towards a healthier life

The Science Behind Yo-Qi-InnerFit Breathing

When life gets stressful, it’s easy to forget to breathe. But holding the breath leads to health issues, an increase in stressful situations, and the marination of negative thought patterns.

When engaging in slow deep breathwork and dynamic Yo-Qi-InnerFit movements, a perfect state of health and joy is maintained. This is because our body, a rechargeable battery full of cells, requires internal levels of blood alkalinity. Proper oxygen levels are required to allow a perfect internal mental, emotional, and physical environment.

In ‘Healing is Voltage,” Dr. Jerry Tennant, a licensed practicing MD explores the metaphor and science of the body as a battery. According to Tennant, all chronic disease is caused by the body’s inability to make new cells that work.

Cellular mitochondria are the location where our energy is produced. This mitochondria are as a rechargeable battery converting ADP (adenosine Phosphate, an organic compound vital such as oxygen that affects the metabolism of the cell) to ATP, adenosine triphosphate, a transportation vehicle of the oxygen within all areas of the cell.

Food, Nutrients, diet and proper physical activities are crucial to our the mitochondria where ADP is converted to ATP. The crucial act of “breathing” and “thinking,” is our most frequent human function. Our breath and thoughts move like computers pinging the internet for data – constantly working and pinging our body.

Combining proper breath practice and thought management assures the best possible environment for each cell. Like beautiful music, this pinging creates a harmonious vibration and cellular voltage to reproduce and be vibrant in-lieu of being distressed.

In the same way a computer crashes when hacked or attacked by a virus, the input of negative thoughts and lack of breath creates a crash in the system – and our health may deteriorate in spite of the best diets and medical/holistic care. When you inhale, each 4th part of oxygen, transferred to your bloodstream, is picked up via one hemoglobin to be transported to any part of the body’s cells. When oxygen meets a protein called cytochrome C oxidase, it creates two molecules of water from one molecule of oxygen. This energy release is needed for your body’s cellular conditions – an alkalinity level of 7.35 to 7.45.

To offset the common practice of holding one’s breath, Yo-Qi-InnerFit breathing is dominant rather than regular physical exercises where the breath is forgotten and physical activities are dominant.

Treatments Plans that Compliment Yo-Qi-InnerFit & Meditation

Yo-Qi-InnerFit is best accompanied by a pre-IMRS and PowerPlate session. The effects of this trinity are a toned and energized physical state, great night of sleep, a calm alert, stable mind, and a sound night of sleep.