The Magic Of “Willingness”!

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The Magic Of “Willingness”!

September 16, 2017

If you are truthful about observing your life and all those times that you had acted immediately to do something or held back unknowingly, you will be surprised to find out how your “willingness” had impacted the outcome of everything that you had experienced.

Children and teenagers are masters of demonstrating what “willingness” is and how it works. When they want something and are willing to accomplish it, it is done faster than speed of light. However, if it is something that they are not willing to do, all the simplest reasons in the world will be blocking them. The sun is not round enough, the moon is not bright enough, the temperature is not cool enough, the sky is not blue enough, and more…..

This was demonstrated in a harsh way in one of the best movies of our time “The Schindler’s List”.  Mr Schindler had purchased a factory making bolts for fighter jets during World War-II in Nazi Germany. The goal was to save the Jews from concentration camps by having them to work at this factory with the intent of not supporting the war and building nothing via low production of bolts just enough not to get caught.

Mr Schindler had to bribe the inspectors as much as he could in order not to be noticed. One day there is a surprise inspection by a new Nazi commander. He walks around the production facility getting a tour as he observes all the Jewish prisoners appearing to be working hard. He stops at one of the stations and questions the operator curiously, asking him to show him what he does. The operator nervously and speedily makes a new bolt to impress the inspector.

The prisoner assuming that he is showing how productive he can be does it as fast as possible in less than a minute. The inspector looks at the bolt and then looks at the box of his production collection and realizes that he can produce at the rate of 1 per minute when he has been producing at the rate of 1 per hour for all morning. The inspector kills him on the spot.

What is the cause of this unseen, unspoken magic of willingness that when we have it, we move at the speed of light and when we do not, we move slower than a turtle toward whatever the goal may be. What can we do to promote willingness consciously to accomplish more of the things that we desire in a joyful way?

“Inspired” is one of my favorite words. It comes from being in spirit. We define spirit as being limitless, not being bound by friction of the body, capable of travelling at speed of light. When we are inspired we feel no friction, we fly to any elevation without hesitation. In a way “Willingness” is stemmed from being inspired. Find a way to be inspired about whatever desire that you may have and you will find yourself to be willing to make it happen under all circumstances regardless of conditions. Willingness is the first step from neutrality to give us direction toward what is desired. Willingness is supposed to be the first step toward the path to joy and peace beyond neutrality. In hierarchy of vibrational path to joy and peace, “Reason” allows “Acceptance” to advance and “Acceptance” upholds “Willingness”.

“Pure LOVE is a WILLINGNESS to give without a thought of receiving anything in return”-(By Peace Pilgrim)

Alex Abossein,
InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health