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A Revolutionary Light Skin Treatment


The use of light for the treatment of different health issues has been known since ancient times. Today, thanks to modern technology people are using artificial light to improve their overall health. But, what is even more interesting is the fact that this light is especially useful as a skin treatment. This is a fact that was confirmed by several scientific studies.


Basic Information

Celluma is a LED light therapy focused on healing damaged skin. What makes it special is the fact that it heals skin from both inside and out in a comfortable, safe and effective way. Celluma relies on low-radiating LED light to support skin health by improving blood circulation, eliminating waste and keep natural moisture levels. It also stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, natural structures that are creating skin cells. In this way, the skin gets healthy and fresh in no time. The product comes in the forms of a light array panel which allows accuracy and treatment only of the affected areas. Celluma is an FDA-approved treatment known for its great effects in cases of wrinkles, acne and even in some pain conditions related to the skin.

It is good to know that Celluma LED light therapy was discovered by NASA and used to aid many astronauts in dealing with discomfort and pain that occurred during long space missions. So, we are talking about a therapy that is scientifically-proven.


What to Expect from Celluma?

As previously mentioned, Celluma LED light therapy is a comprehensive skin therapy that can provide a wide range of benefits. First of all, it can help people suffering from moderate and even severe acne. Those who have experienced acne breakouts in the past and have mild scarring as a result of these breakouts will benefit too. There are also people who have damaged skin due to smoking, environmental toxins, weather and the sun and Celluma is able to minimize or even completely eliminate these problems. Having a coarse and rough skin is definitely not something attractive, but Celluma makes the skin smoother, younger and softer even after a few treatments.

Celluma LED light therapy is ideal for people looking for a simple way to rejuvenate their skin. In other words, you can expect to look a few years younger once this therapy is finished. Finally, Celluma can help people dealing with hyperpigmentation and similar pigmentation issues and people that are witnessing the emergence of wrinkles and fine lines.

Duration of Treatments and Frequency

Celluma is a non-invasive skin treatment that doesn’t work quickly. The fact is that our skin needs some time to rebuild and bring back cellular growth at a normal level. This is crucial for enhancing the appearance of your skin. So, Celluma promises great results, but practitioners must be patient.

In most cases, people need two to four treatments a week in a period of few months. It all depends on the level of damage. On the other hand, acne breakouts should be treated regularly while the breakout is developing.