Freedom From Passive Aggressive Behavior!

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Freedom From Passive Aggressive Behavior!

July 25, 2017

Dictionary defines; “Passive-aggressive behavior as the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullen behavior, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.

Why do people knowingly or unknowingly choose to have such a behavior and what are the energetic roots of it and steps that may be taken leading to neutralizing such a desire? It is understood that the roots are the fear and avoidance of direct conflict led by the belief of being helpless and powerless.

David Hawkins in his book “Power versus Force” shows us that the emotional ladder from the lowest level of Shame to highest level of Peace and enlightenment passes through many layers up the emotional scale. The energetic roots of passive aggressive behavior is the result of the individuals being trapped when they reach the three levels of Fear, Desire and Anger. They anxiously try to move up to other levels in order to experience the bliss of the state of their peace with no success.

The prerequisite emotion of Grief is followed by fear in order to find relief and then continues to Desire to pull out to the next emotional level of Anger. Pride as being the next level up will be required to allow the passage for processing the emotions. The emotional stage of fear of losing whatever it is that may be important at the time will create the “Passive” tendencies. The emotion of Desire will pull them up out of Fear to emotional state of Anger as they remain there experiencing “Aggressive” conducts.

A lot of people go through the emotional ladder without having tendencies to be chronic Passive-Aggressive individuals. The reason to develop Passive-Aggressive attitude may be found in the next step of emotional hierarchy which is Pride and then Courage. Pride is required in order to pull us through the Passive/Aggressive vibration. Individuals not recognizing their own greatness and not understanding that love is generated from within as self to self without a need for other’s approvals define themselves by limitations imposed by others leading to having low self-esteem. This low self-esteem translates itself to not having what may be known as the healthy type of pride independent from ego. Since Pride and Courage are not developed enough to properly transition the person to higher vibrations to joy and peace, the unprocessed emotion will find itself back to Fear and Anger again and again as the individual becomes trapped by being Passive-Aggressive repeating the same behavior.

The freedom through a simple understanding of emotional ranking will be to temporarily induce Pride and Courage until the behavior can be changed through more permanent practices. Further means of growth can be acquired to learn the power within until the internal infinite invincibility can be recognized.

Practice the following as soon as the signs of possible Passive-Aggressive responses are detected. Boost your pride in any means possible by using a mantra repeating to yourself how proud you are of yourself. Find any reason that you can find to enhance this quality at that moment. This will allow you to be confident and not worrying about whatever it is that you are fearful of. Also, it gives you the courage to express yourself and identify the specific subject without hiding behind the silence and false acceptance as you look for a win-win situation.

My friends, Love is better than Anger, Hope is better than Fear, Optimism is better than Despair, so let us be Loving, Hopeful and Optimistic AND WE’LL CHANGE THE WORLD.” (By J. Laython)

Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health