How Can Yoga Change Your Life?

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How Can Yoga Change Your Life?

February 7, 2017

Lots of yoga participants have attested to the numerous benefits of yoga to their overall wellbeing and health. The act benefits the mind, body and even the emotions.

Yoga increases flexibility and also reduces stress, but it can do more than just helping with twisting your body into different shapes to find inner peace. The benefits will help you as you carry on daily activities in the office, kitchen, and bedroom.


Boosts Immunity

One recent Norwegian study discovered that regular practice of yoga results in changes in the gene expression that boost the body’s immunity at the cellular level. And also, it doesn’t take so long: The researchers believe that the changes occurred while the participants were on the mat. They were considerably greater than a group who assembled for a nature hike and listened to soothing music.


Ease Migraines

Research also reveals that migraine sufferers have less painful and fewer migraines after about three months of regular yoga practice. The primary cause of migraines is not fully understood, but scientists say it could be a blend of physical misalignment and mental stressors that create migraines as well as other issues. Bending forward over a cell phone or computer with your shoulders straight up and your head forward can cause an over-lifting of the trapezius as well as tightening of the neck. It pulls the head forward while creating muscle imbalances that can cause migraines and headaches.


Boost Sexual Performance

Studies have also found that twelve weeks of yoga can enhance sexual desire, arousal, confidence, performance, orgasm and satisfaction for men and women alike. How? Physically, the activity increases blood flow into your genital area, which is essential for erections and arousal. It also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles or the “moola bandha”. Mentally, the mind control and breathing and involved with yoga practice can improve performance.


Sleep Better

Harvard researchers revealed that eight weeks of regular yoga significantly enhanced sleep quality for individuals with insomnia. One other study found that yoga sessions on a bi-weekly routine helped cancer survivors to sleep better and also feel less fatigued. Definitely, this can be credited to activity’s ability to help individuals deal with stress. Sleep problems are just like anxiety. Your head cannot stop spinning; you do not know how to unwind. Breathing as well as mental exercises permit the mind to decelerate, so you are going to see yourself sleep better.


Fight Food Cravings

University of Washington researchers discovered that consistent yoga practice is linked with mindful eating, the awareness of both emotional and physical sensations linked with eating food. By causing breath awareness, routine yoga practice strengthens the connection between the mind and body. The awareness can assist you to tune in to emotions that are involved with some cravings. Yoga breathing exercises help you slow down as well as make better choices after cravings strike.